I've just returned from the annual Army versus Navy rugby match held at Twickenham.
To say that I am not feeling on top of the world is an understatement!
I went straight up on Friday evening where I met up with an old friend. The last time we had clapped eyes on each other was nearly 30 years ago.
We grew up in Shaftesbury together and have known each other since the tender age of 13 or 14 and it was me who was responsible for him following in my footsteps and joining the Royal Corps of Signals. He went on to do his full 22 years and gain the rank of WO2 and Squadron Sergeant Major.
As you can imagine we had a bit of catching up to do!
That took care of friday night, Saturday morning started as we meant to carry on with a pint for breakfast. It was mostly down hill from here on in!
![Photo: Start as we mean to go on! Army v Navy](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/551371_566861803344674_1806513663_n.jpg)
We had stayed in Slough and we decided to get a taxi into Twickenham rather than take the train. We agreed a price with the driver which was just as well as he then managed to get lost several times! The M25 and A30 (both directions) plus Terminal 4 Heathrow were all visited before we managed to get near and vacate the taxi at "The Winning Post" pub.
A few more beers were consumed before we made it to the stadium.
Finally meeting up with my old mate Mark, which was just as well as he had my ticket we made it in with minutes to spare!
More beer and trips to the loo's later and the Army beat the Navy 43-26. All though at one stage they did have a 19 point lead, but at half time it was all square.
![Photo: Best view of the day!](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/532772_567090329988488_1322539045_n.jpg)
I reckon we had the best seats in the stadium!
After the game it was back to the Corps beer tent for more drinking and meeting old friends who haven't been seen in years. It was a bit of an emotional days.
I saw someone who I thought I knew, went up to him and said, I know you, but don't know where from, his reaction was to hug me like a lost brother! What made it worse, he remembered my name and it wasn't till this morning when he tracked me down on face book that I realised what his name was!
Even worse, I just had a message from him saying that meeting me had made his day! I couldn't even remember his name! Terrible!
With a crowd of over 72,000 squaddies and matelots a new world record was achieved for the most people watching an amatuer game of Rugby.
All I can say is that the atmosphere was just incredible, there were some unforgettable sites of people making fools of themselves and partying hard.
Another statistic I heard was that more beer is drunk on this one day than all of the 6 nations games held at Twickenham!
It was an awesome day, after a late night curry I finally managed to get the last train back to Slough and to my hotel.
Seeing old friends who you haven't seen for so long was very emotional and worth every penny spent.
Can't wait for next year, maybe "M" will come with me to witness the mayhem and total carnage next year! I for one will definately be going!
Thankfully I have the week off which was just as well, as it is now nearly 1400 hrs on Monday and I'm still not feeling right!
More wild camping in the Pajero from Wednesday onwards, heading to Cornwall for a 40th birthday party on friday night, then a Masked Ball Festival on the Saturday! - You should see our costumes!
Till later.............