Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Selling Out!?

When we set out on our adventure in August 2010 our main goal was to cut down on our monthly expenditure.

This we achieved with great success.

If an opportunity presents itself whereby you are offered a chance to save even more money, still live on a camp site and enjoy the benefits of this, then would we not be foolish to let this pass us by?

Nothing is for ever, we make mistakes, learn and move forward. This we feel we have done.

Our time in our caravan was special, it was a real learning curve, we made plenty of mistakes and now in this period of time we are in, it is for us time to move forward onto another stage of our lives.

We may not remain where we are, our caravan is packed, ready and waiting.

But, whilst I settle into my new job, and enjoy having our new born Grandson just 5 minutes down the road, this is where we want to be.

Till later................


  1. Hiya. I totally see where you are coming from. I followed you ito fulltiming just after you did(long story but it let me catch up on my finances) I have just been offered a small hse to rent on a farm with free caravan storage. Doing the sums I will be paying another £80 a month as I have also get free storage for insted of using big yellow storage. So like you I am giving it a try. Nothing to loose. I hope you keep the blog up its been great following you. Never meet you but its like we are mates. Best of luck to you both

  2. No, you are not selling out? life can change all the time and so can our fate. I for one admire what you have done and have enjoyed your ramblings both about this way of life and all else!....
    We just make the most of what comes our way, not falling in a "rut" because it's easier to conform.
    Congrats on being a grandad by the way, I became a grandma last year around the time I became a "fulltimer" and my grandaughter is not far away, good on you both, you helped me see what I am doing is a good thing for me, It's still going very well and I love my home, at the moment sat outside with neighbours enjoying the good weather.
    Sand :)

  3. We all have to show the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and you appear to have done this all your life so this is just a new chapter which you have embraced. The wrong thing to have done would be to stay in the caravan, when a new and better opportunity presented itself, through some misplaced sense of sticking with it.
    I do hope this does not mean the end to the blog. I enjoy reading about your exploits and mainly because you do not just write about caravanning. Your training and becoming a bus driver has been most interesting. Perhaps a change in blog title is required ? Something that still expresses the sense of freedom you enjoy and living life to the full and taking every opportunity. Maybe ask your readers for ideas ?

  4. This is a very fascinating post, I was looking for this info. All information found here is genuine and realistic.

  5. Realy enjoyed your story and it helped me make my mind up to caravan full time, i to have a similar story except i had a accident i could not get compensation for and ended up out of work for 7 months and loseing my house. So after 4 years of renting and working out the amount it was costing me with nothing to show for it i started thinking about different ways of life. I admit ive been faffing about actully doing somthing for months but i found your blog and read every word and at the end i got on ebay and bought my caravan which i pick up this week and i move out at the weekend. I'm still nervous but you have at least giveing me the confidence to try it . So thank you again and wish me luck ! Jason.
