After we got back from the vintage rally last weekend, we were straight back to work.
Wednesday evening saw me at a Union meeting, hearing the companies proposals to cut our pay and impose conditions that are totally unacceptable. As you can imagine it did not go down well with those that attended. In fact I would say that the mood was some what dangerous.
So watch this space.
However, I do have a plan, more will be revealed as soon as I know more myself! (looking good though).
Friday evening Jodi "M"s daughter came over for a beer and a bite to eat.
Saturday both myself and "M" worked and that evening we set off to a friends house deep in the New Forest. In fact it is only 5 minutes walk from Bucklers Hard.
We were going to meet "M"s brothers fiancee for the first time. We had the post code so put that into the Sat-Nav and got to where it said "You Have Reached Your Destination" great, but we had a choice of houses and no signal on our mobiles to confirm the house.
All we knew was that it had security gates at the entrance and a drive (yep posh)!
Not having a signal, we decided that as our friend was a well known local for having a pint or 16 we should try the local pub and see if they could point us in the general location.
We came across Polish Pete, who was not Polish but Lithuanian and he not only gave us directions but also the gate access code.
So off we trot, "M" try's to punch in the access code, nothing, so we tried variations to it, with no success. One last chance at phoning and we get a signal and a reply. The conversation went along the lines of this. Tommy is her brother.
"M" I cant get the gates to work.
Tommy - try this number ****
"M" Nothing, not working
Tommy - If I wave my arms can you see me in the garden.
"M" Yes I can see you.
Tommy - You are trying to get into the wrong house!
"M" Woops!
So sorry to the posh folk who had what looked like a pair of gypsies in a Pajero trying to gain access to their house!
A good night was had, with plenty of cider and red wine consumed. We slept in a house that night, which was a novelty and both of us had a rubbish nights sleep. Far to warm!
Tommy has two Great Danes, Layla and Eric, both rescue dogs and are lovely, big softies, but China does not get on with them, so she spent the night at "M"s Mum's with her dog Buddy.

Eric is leaning over the brick wall and hoovering up the remains left on the BBQ!
For breakfast we went into Hythe and had breakfast sat on the balcony of Seashells over looking the Solent. A fantastic place to have a fry up!

Sunday afternoon I spent asleep! A full 6 hours meant that I was wide awake till 0200hrs this morning, which when you have to get up at 0500hrs is not good.
So that was our week!
This week we have nothing planned, so here's for a no stress few days running up to having a long weekend off!
Till later.......................
We have friend in Hythe. When we last saw them we took the electric train out along the pier and then took the ferry to Southhampton. Nice place. Oh the trials of living in a Gated Property, never felt the need!